"Victory through Christ" Society holding its Sunday Morning Revival in a garage. Dos Palos, California. Testimony: "He's… https://www.rawpixel.com/image/12107439/image-heart-person-artFree Image from public domain licenseLand of the Free. Original public domain image from Wikimedia Commons https://www.rawpixel.com/image/3296358/free-photo-image-memorial-day-god-americaFree Image from public domain licenseSoutheast Missouri Farms. Children of FSA (Farm Security Administration) client, former sharecropper, in bedroom of shack… https://www.rawpixel.com/image/12147642/image-background-dog-faceFree Image from public domain licenseEpping, North Dakota. Women singing "God Bless America" at close of a meeting held in high school to promote sale of defense… https://www.rawpixel.com/image/12286867/photo-image-people-art-lightFree Image from public domain licenseCorozal, Puerto Rico (vicinity). Glee club singing "God Bless America" (in Spanish) at the tenant purchase celebration.… https://www.rawpixel.com/image/12279698/photo-image-face-person-shirtFree Image from public domain license